Thursday 4 July 2019

Been a Minute

The last time I made a post here was in May 2017. So much has happened since then, I am much older and I guess wiser. But then, I am still the little girl trying to figure out her place in this big world.

So what has changed?
- I am now referred to as a Leader, it means I have a sphere of influence
- I transitioned from Media to the Development Sector
- I am now an Executive Director with a tush office and all to boot
- I am still struggling with maintaining relationships, I am still sabotaging myself
- I am still broke although by net worth I am now a small millionaire
- In 2019 I am deeply regretting not.... I hope I get over this feeling because it has had the most negative effect on me

I hope the years ahead are better and that someday I would meet someone that would love me and accept me and my flaws.

Tuesday 25 July 2017

Big girl pants

  Been a long time coming, I have wanted to write so much here. It's not like the words weren't forthcoming, I think there was just so much that I wanted to say,  so much that I wanted to write and the words were so much I could literally feel them choking me.

I bought a piece of land, 💃💃💃 it's something I have always wanted to do. Real Estate is something that really fascinates me. Some day I hope that I can become a Real Estate mogul, getting this place is a way of keeping my hope alive.

It's a 50/100 plot of land in a reasonable good area. I actually do not feel as excited as I ought to because I went through so much to get it.

The five days before I got it took so much from me. I had to give my blood, my sweat but not my tears. I did not cry when *** told me at first that he was proud of me and that he was going to support me but soon had a change of mind and told me that because I was a woman I had no business acquiring land.

I did not cry when after conducting an interview with one of the richest men in the state right now he told me he had no money.

I did not cry when I was blindsided by someone I thought was my friend, someone I thought would support me the same way I had given my support in their time of need.

I did not cry when I called Ken to ask for the N30k I loaned him and he insulted my parents. He insulted my Dad who has been so good to him, my Dad who treated him like a son.

I wanted to cry,  the tears came but I willed them away.  I wore my big girl pants and pushed my self harder.

I was short of N25k and it seemed like I was going to lose the place but my Dad bailed me out. I told him it is a loan and I intend to pay back.

I am so thankful for my father, I am so thankful for the gift of my parents because no matter how many dirty lemons life hauls at me,  I have amazing parents that will clean my bruised knee.

*** says he loves me, I know that is a lie. I can see his motives clearly. I hope that someday I will meet someone who will love me for my lofty dreams.

I hope that someday I will meet someone that I can be my best self with,  no inhibitions loving each other like its what we were born to do.

Most days my head is full, I feel like a aged 10 times over in my mind.

I need money, now I am dead broke and it is a feeling I haven't had in over two years.

I have to keep moving, I have to make money, I have to become rich and successful I owe myself and my children that much.

Saturday 20 May 2017

Bahala na is Tagalog for Come what may

In 2007 or 2008 I can't remember which year or what day it was. But I do remember that it was a cold evening. She like the other children of diplomats who had to been brought to our school in the middle of the term from some other country fascinated the rest of us.

I would watch them surreptiously at the dinning hall. While the rest of us ate the yam and egg sauce that made everyone drowsy during the morning lectures. They were the only exception to that attrocious meal. Watching them delicate nibble at their sausages with the right piece of cutlery and how they spoke of their experience in a far away place that I knew of only because my fantasies were what my dreams were made of.

The day she shared with the rest of us her gift for telling the future. I was one out the many curious people who lay out our palms for her to read. I would never forget that cold night and I would never forget what she said.

She said "You will have a rough start with life at first and then someone would come who would make life beautiful". She also said as she traced the lines on my palm "Your love life would be rough, smooth and rough".

I believed her and I claimed those words as truth. Because I belived in fairy tales, I wanted to be Cinderella who got saved.

She failed and she had to resit that class and I really do wonder why she never saw that coming with all the fortune telling that she did for others. That would have been the best way to know that she was a sham but I was much to seduced by the awe of meeting the prince charming promised to me. The one who was going to be my saviour.

After getting my heart broken and after the long nights and tear stained pilours. I know now more than ever that there will be no dashing prince whose life mission is to save me.

Now I know that I must save my self. I must be strong for myself, I must be the woman I was born to be without out any man doing the heavy lifting. Now I know, that I am my own herione.

Have I ruled out on love inspite of all i've been through? certainly not! But I am not going to struggle to find it any longer like is the Holy Grail. I am going love my self, take care of myself because Bahana la I deserve to be happy.

And happy I will be.

Saturday 13 May 2017

Rain, so they don't see my tears

They say that everything happens for a reason. But there are no reasons for certain predicaments we find ourselves, sometimes life just deals us cards we didn't ask for.

Yesterday I cried, I cried like I hadn't cried in years. I cried like my heart would break, I cried like I needed redemption. I cried because the pain had reached its boiling point and had combusted like an angry volcanoe.

Crying is something I rarely do. But when you are put down and your legitimate lifestyle choices are put down by someone who claims to love you. Someone who knows how vulnerable you are because you just had a bad break up.

Then I cried again because he almost raped me. His excuse was "You are my girlfriend and I want to make love to you". When begging and bargaining did not seem to be working, biting his tongue severely seemed to do the trick.

I came home, I showered and lay on my bed. Told no one because there is no one to tell. I thought long and hard, I tossed and turned on my bed and when I slept I had nightmares.

I want to ask why this is happening to me. May be I deserved it, all I wanted was someone that would help me find closure, someone that would prove to me that it pays to love for the right reasons because love is something I also deserve.

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Uneven Year, Uneven Experiences

This is my happy place. Writing in my journal doesn't quite cut it this days. Writing here, in this space feels like therapy for me. It always has.

In 2016, I was having a ball, I was in a great relationship and everything seemed well. It was the best year of my life. I thought finally! I had met the man who valued me and saw my true worth.

I stuck with him, stuck with his broke ass, jobless self. For all intents and purposes I felt like a wife, I played the real to perfection because I felt he deserved it.

In retrospection, I have learnt that you do not really know a person. I have learnt that human behaviour can not predicted and I have learnt that you can not really know a person.

I have refused to be bitter because that would not be in my favour. Heart broken doesnt explain the way I feel. cheated is more like it.

There are some days it gets to me, the anger, the betrayal, and I feel like I have lost something I would never get again.

I have lost my innocence, my starry eyed believe that people are as good as they say they are. Now I look at everyone with suspicion, now I think everyone has a hidden agenda.

I'm a bit listless this days. There is the occasional anxiety, where I ask my self questions I have no answer to. Questions like will I ever fall in love again? Did someone really sabotage me because I shared my happiness with the rest of the world? Everyone is getting married and being in love, why did mine have to go south even after all the work I put into this relationship?

I try to put all my pent up emotions in work but this days that also doesnt cut it. I scroll through happy pictures of couples gaily dressed and looking so in love on Prewedding Naija or Bellanaija. And for a mini second I ask fate, why can't that be me?

This days I have been staying away from my unit in church because I really feel like I have nothing to give. I feel like I failed my self, I feel like such a hypocrite.

I feel empty this days, I feel like there is a hole, a void, a space that needs feeling. I feel like I lost something. I know the answer to this, I know the answer lies with drawing back to God and being committed to him. Having a deep and personal relationship with him.

There is John Paul but I won't be talking about him today but I  know that I am thankful that he is here. He made things easier to deal with.

Right now my life is full of a lot of uncertainties, career,love, passions all seem to be filled with question marks.

I deserve to be happy, I want to be happy.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

I was sexually harassed by the blind defenseless guy at work

I never thought a day would come were I would be talking about sexual harassment at work but I guess the day did happen. His name is Paul, a blind man who is quite adept at getting things done his disability regardless.

When I resumed work he was uber friendly, I saw his friendship as the guy at work trying to flirt with the new girl. I even gave him my number, then he would call at weird hours. I remember the day he called me and told me that he had come by my house and how I shocked I was because thr blind guy from work was the last person I expected to trail me to my house.

I noticed that he liked to hold my hands, more like rove on them all the way to my lower arms, he had this really firm grip. I always felt really uncomfortable, then he would make all this comments that were always headed towards a clandestine relationship.

Then one day, I was going into his office and he was walking out and then he grapped me, it was so fast and so sudden but I managed to get myself out of his tight grip. From that day on I started to stay as far way from him as possible.

Today the topic of flirty guys at work came up, and he tried to play the innocent card. I said it wasn't true and then I told everyone what had transpired between us that frightful day he grabed me.

He started to say that I was making false accusations, he got so riled up that I almost started to believe I was the one telling a lie. Everyone took his side because he is the poor blind guy.

You know what irks me the most about this? the fact that I knew it would be this way, the fact that I should have never said a word about this. Ever!

Saturday 14 January 2017

Am I the only one who doesn't have 2017 figured out?

In 2016, I literally entered the new year moon walking. I was so sure of what I wanted to achieve that year. When I prayed, I prayed with a purpose. This year however I feel like I still haven't woken up to the reality that it is a different year.

Everywhere I look, I see people getting things done at a faster pace, I see people coming up with new projects and goals for the new year and all I want to do is sit on the couch and eat pop corn.

Whats even more frustrating is that my Bosses at work think i'm still lil ol' me who was so fired up about taking on assignments and new projects. This year I could care less about dead lines or writing wining stories.

I do have goals and expectations for this year I'm just not as fired up about them as I ought to be. I hope this is a thing, a thing that wears off more like a bug or may be a flu kinda like flu of passivity.

Talking about passivity I havent had a bath all day...yes I know, yuck! double yuck!