Sunday 8 January 2017

Musings of an insecure wife to be

He proposed, I said yes! and then he gave me this beautiful 18 carat gold ring that he worked so hard to get for me. This wasn't what I envisaged in my fantasies of getting engaged, I wanted the classic princess cut engagement rings with huge stones that look like diamonds even if they are usually just sterling silver and cubic zircona. I wanted a ring like this.
  • I wanted a ring that looked like what every other girl wore, I didn't want to be out of place. Being out of place has always been my worst nightmare. It didn't help matters that he put the ring on the wrong finger. It was a beautiful ring but it wasn't what I wanted.

With time though just like the way it was with him, I began to fall in love with my ring. I loved the way it sparkled in the sun, I loved the way it felt so right on my finger like it was made for that finger.

I realised that I had fallen in the love with the ring  the day I had to travel to Benin for a cousins wedding and I couldn't wear it or else I would attract the attention of the witches in the family  the prying eyes of concerned family members.

It's been two months since he asked me to wear this ring, there are days when I'm absolutely sure of my love for him and then there are days, days like today when i'm in doubt about the future. When my fears are bigger than my faith in our love, when I twirl his ring round my finger I am reassured that we will get through it all, somehow I know that we will be fine.

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