Thursday 3 November 2016

Bloggers Diary: Just Do It

You know that voice in your head that is still and small, the one that tells youto do something that you have never done before, the one that tells you to do something beyond your comfort zone. Yes that voice! please listen to it by all means necessary, I refused to listen to that voice and I lost an opportunity I might never have again.

I let the voice of fear limit me, I doubted myself and my abilities and I am paying for it. My Fiance( God bless him) has tried to consol me by playing the there be other opportunities to come but I know that this one was an opportunity of a life time.

I have made mistake and oh yes have I learnt from it, I have learnt  that you must trust your gut, you must trust instincts no matter how daunting something might seem or look like because the choices and the risks we take today are the representations of the life that we will have tonorrow.

Oh boy did I mess up this time, I really screwed myself this time.

.....Next time I have the feeling in my gut to something I’m going to be like Nike, I'm going Just Do It!!!

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