Thursday, 4 July 2019

Been a Minute

The last time I made a post here was in May 2017. So much has happened since then, I am much older and I guess wiser. But then, I am still the little girl trying to figure out her place in this big world.

So what has changed?
- I am now referred to as a Leader, it means I have a sphere of influence
- I transitioned from Media to the Development Sector
- I am now an Executive Director with a tush office and all to boot
- I am still struggling with maintaining relationships, I am still sabotaging myself
- I am still broke although by net worth I am now a small millionaire
- In 2019 I am deeply regretting not.... I hope I get over this feeling because it has had the most negative effect on me

I hope the years ahead are better and that someday I would meet someone that would love me and accept me and my flaws.